28 May 1999
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 11:38:16 -0400 From: Michael Power <Power.Michael@TBS-SCT.GC.CA> Subject: Policy for Public Key Infrastructure Management in the Government of Canada To: CYBERIA-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM For those who may be interested, the Treasury Board (a committee of Cabinet) approved yesterday evening a Policy for Public Key Infrastructure Management in the Government of Canada. The policy provides direction to government departments with respect to the issuance and use of certificates and provides a governance structure for the Government of Canada PKI. The following is a very brief outline of the Application, Policy Requirements and Appendices of the Policy. The unofficial version of the document is now available on our website in PDF format (see signature block below). Application The policy applies to all departments and agencies in Schedule I, Parts I and II of the Public Service Staff Relations Act, the Canadian Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Policy Requirements 1. Certificate Authorities (CA): departments that intend to issue certificates (or have them issued on their behalf) must retain full responsibility for the certificates and their use. If they intend to issue certificates to individuals outside the department, they must be members of the Government of Canada PKI (GoC PKI) and GoC PKI Policy Management Authority (PMA). 2. Cross-certification: departments must cross-certify with other departments and external organizations only through the Canadian Central Facility. 3. Employees: departments must implement and communicate to their employees the policies and procedures for the appropriate use of certificates. 4. External Subscribers: departments must ensure that persons outside government to whom they intend to issue certificates agree in writing to the terms and conditions for the appropriate use of these certificates, including privacy and limits on liability, before issuing the certificates. Their obligations under this agreement must be explained to them. 5. Procurement of CA Services: departments that intend to procure CA services must require the government or private-sector service provider to operate in accordance with the department's Certificate Policy (CP) and Certification Practice Statement (CPS). These certificates must be issued in the name of Her Majesty, and information held by service provider must be retained in Canada. 6. Repository: departments must establish and operate a repository for public key certificates and revocation lists that conforms to applicable standards and is registered with the government Registrar of Repositories. 7. Key Management: departments must comply with GoC policy for the back-up of private confidentiality keys. Employee keys will be backed-up but consent must be obtained from all others prior to the back-up of those keys. The policy is consistent with the government's cryptography policy. 8. Liability: departments must establish limits of liability for certificates that are no less than those set by the PMA and agree to abide by the rules in the policy for accountability for loss. 9. Transition: the policy sets out transition rules to govern the transition from current practices to those required under this policy. 10. Exemptions: The policy provides a process for departments to apply for an exemption from the requirement to be a member of the GoC PKI or the requirement to cross-certify through the Canadian Central Facility. Specific classes of exemptions may be established. Appendix A, Definitions Contains definitions of the terms and concepts used in the policy. Appendix B, Memorandum of Understanding Sets out the form of the written cross-certification arrangement between government departments. Appendix C, Minimum Terms and Conditions Required for Cross-Certification Arrangements Sets out the minimum provisions for a written cross-certification agreement with an organization other than a department Appendix D, Minimum Terms and Conditions Required For External Subscriber Agreements Sets out the minimum terms and conditions to be contained in an external subscriber agreement. Appendix E, Model External Subscriber Agreements Includes three example external subscriber agreements that departments may use or adapt for their external subscribers. The three agreements range from a short simple one for citizens who require low-assurance certificates to a long form for businesses or professions with complex dealings with government. Appendix F, Minimum Elements Required for Departmental Policies Governing Certificate Use by Employees Departments are to implement a policy that will govern the appropriate use of GoC PKI certificates by employees. This does not have to a discrete policy but may be included in another appropriate police, e.g., a network policy. Appendix G, Model Employee Use Policy An example policy for the appropriate use of GoC PKI certificates by employees that departments may adapt to their purposes. Appendix H, Minimum Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Certification Authority Services Sets out the minimum terms and conditions that departments should include in any contacts for CA services. Appendix I, Framework for Public Key Infrastructure Documentation Sets out a framework for PKI documentation including the organization responsible for producing and/or approving it. Michael Power Deputy Director, Policy/ Directeur adjoint, Politiques Interdepartmental PKI Task Force/ Groupe interministériel de mise oeuvre de l'ICP Treasury Board Secretariat/ Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor 275 rue Slater Street, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R5 Tel. 946-5056; Fax. 946-9893; Email: power.michael@tbs-sct.gc.ca Website: http://www.cio-dpi.gc.ca